All The Right Moves: A university Fair Strategy

All The Right Moves: A university Fair Strategy

That is approximately the quantity of college fairs we went to last year. 350 college fairs mean hundreds of brochures and inquiry cards handed away to 1000s of prospective students with countless questions. Every so often, somebody should come by and surprise us with a question that is unique. But for the part that is most, most questions will be general. Don’t worry; we do not expect you to stress concerning the question that is next will allow you to be noticeable from the crowd. We don’t mind hearing the same concerns, provided that the questions are appropriate to you. The purpose of this blog is absolutely help just take less of a passive role during these university fairs. Be proactive and have a plan. a foolproof game plan.

The Pregame Warm-Up

The best method to show effort is by doing pursuit prior to the college fair. (NOTE: it is you’re preparing for; whether it’s a first date, job interview, or buying a dog, you will always get better results if you replace ‘college fair’ with whatever. It is simply commonly good practice.) Doing this extensive research might stop you from asking a question like, ‘Have you got a psychology program?’ A better informed question might be, ‘I see that you have a psychology program and that tons of research is happening in that department while that is a valid question. Can you please speak to me personally on how to get in touch with faculty who is involved with research?’ That question not only shows initiative, it also sets you apart. Boom! Instant connection made.

The Best Defense is a Good Offense

With regards to a college fair, an offense that is good suggest different things. It could mean finding out which universities will be present ahead of some time producing a top ten list of which tables you must go to. It could also mean showing up early so you take full advantage of time. A college fair is just a opportunity that is great get one-on-one face time with counselors that will be reading your applications and advocating in your stead. You might get yourself a tiny bit more time you arrive promptly with us if. Finally, a great offensive move is bringing pre-printed labels together with your contact information, senior school, graduation year, etc. By doing so, you do not spend time filling in information cards and possess more time for asking questions. Bam! More connections made.

Rookie Go

For a few of you, these college fairs will likely be your first step at the college search process. If that is the instance, you will probably spend most of your energy taking brochures and filling out inquiry cards. That is very fine and is just as productive. You ought to know that many schools enable you to get hold of their admission counselors directly. USC is certainly one of these schools. It is an idea that is good ask the individual behind the table for the company card for those who desire to call us at a later time once you have certain concerns. Take a pamphlet home, do research and then email/phone us with more questions that are informed.

Last Pep Talk

Stay straight. Be confident. Maintain attention contact. Smile. Give a firm handshake. Dress well. Remain hydrated (you’ll be walking and speaking a complete lot). Be your advocate that is ownn’t make your moms and dads do the talking for you. Be professional and friendly. Finally, make the most of your time and effort there. It’s not just a time and energy to get up with friends or just take freebies. Be active and also have a purpose. Our company is there to help you, but ultimately it is your responsibility how beneficial you want that time to be.

Asking for Letters of Recommendations: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Asking a teacher to compose you a letter of recommendation can be considered a task that is daunting. For one thing, most of the time, you will never actually see what they compose about you, generally there is of trust that goes into the process. And two, they might say no, which might create you wonder should they just didn’t have enough nice things to say about you to fill up an entire page if they were actually too busy, or!

Here, we shall lay some tips out for seeking a letter of recommendation:

The Good:

•Ask a teacher who you have formed an association with to write you a recommendation, whoever course in which you have worked exceptionally difficult, and/or whose subject you are passionate about. This does not necessarily need certainly to end up being the teacher of the program by which you received the highest grade. Sometimes, the best recommendations are the people which are able to seriously convey the work that is hard commitment a student has placed into a class.

•Provide your recommender with a resume, transcript, and anything else that will be helpful for them to personalize your recommendation.

•Have variety in your recommenders. Although we only require one letter of suggestion from an academic source for some majors at USC, in the event that you do select to submit significantly more than one, you ought to ask somebody that will highlight a different aspect of your character.

The Bad:

•Forgetting the thank you note! You recommenders spend a complete lot of time on these letters. Don’t forget to show them that you appreciate their efforts.

•Asking your recommender a few days in advance of the due date for a letter. Remember that many teachers (and counselors especially) may have to create numerous letters throughout the Fall months, and that leaving your request until the last minute will not make them happy.

The Ugly:

•Submitting ten letters of recommendation! Or also five, for example. Again, we just need one page of recommendation, so be aware of how many additional letters you send. Frankly, multiple letters seldom offer any information that is fresh.

So remember, give your recommenders plenty of advanced warning, ask somebody whose class you’ve worked difficult in, be thoughtful in the true amount of additional letters you submit, also remember to show your appreciation!

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